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Teambuilding Activity: Glue Rope

This team-building activity is called "The Glue Rope."

In this game, you quickly get to know the roles your students assume when working together as a group. It provides ample opportunities to discuss and engage your class in teamwork.

Benefits of this activity include:

  • Team building
  • Initiating action
  • Listening to solutions
  • Expressing opinions in the group
  • Perseverance

- Form groups of approximately 8 students.
- This exercise can be conducted indoors, in a playroom or part of a gym, or outdoors.
- Active participation.
- Duration: Approximately 30 minutes.

Required materials:
For each group, prepare a 10-meter-long rope with easy-to-untie knots.

Starting arrangement:
1. Tie loose knots in all the ropes, as shown in the picture.

glue rope teambuilding activity

2. Ensure there is enough space for students to grip the loops.
3. Divide the class into groups and position them near the ropes without touching them.
4. Stand in the center of the groups.
5. Allow adequate movement space around the rope for the groups.

Rules and guidelines:
1. This is not a competition between the groups.
2. The rules are binding; failure to follow them will result in letting go of the rope and no longer participating.
3. The group's objective is to untangle the rope.
4. Each participant must grip the rope with both hands side by side.
5. No rope should pass between the hands of one person.
6. All hands should grip the rope with the backs of their hands facing upwards.
7. Once you grip the rope, you cannot move your hands; you are glued in place!

Game progression:

Depending on how the groups are formed:

  1. If you have a group with the most outspoken students (leaders), they might become noisy. You can quiet them down by saying they are giving away the solution out loud. Cheating is allowed in this game.
  2. This game requires observation, discussion, and action.

What the group should NOT do is pull the rope; the knots will tighten. Some students might still try to do this; let them experience the effect.

The knots can be untied as students, while holding the rope, pass through the loops. That's the solution.

The group can make some loops larger, passing them over another student, but they must not move their own hands over the rope, nor should they entangle another student.

The groups might compete against each other.

Eventually, one group will discover the "trick," and true teamwork will come into play.

Do not let the game continue for too long. Especially for the group with the tightened rope, it can be frustrating. Stop the game, evaluate, retie the knots, and play again with a variation.

After the first round, you can introduce various elements:

  1. Number the students, and in the next round, only the student with a specific number can give instructions. Rotate this throughout the round.
  2. If your students are younger, let the one giving instructions step aside while holding the rope, and allow the next student to take their place when it's their turn.
  3. You can mix the groups, grouping leaders together or mixing them up.

-Conduct a debriefing session after the first round.
-Discuss how each group fared.
-Ask which students immediately knew how to untangle the rope. Were they able to communicate this to the group?
-Did everyone get a chance to speak and be heard in the group?
-Who saw it as a race against the other groups?
-Relate the activity to the classroom: Do they take leadership roles? Do they prefer a more reserved approach? What are their preferred roles, and how do they feel about them?

Notable observations:

1. Some students act quickly without much thought. While this is good, they should be aware that there's a 50% chance of being wrong. Encourage their enthusiasm!
2. Some students know the solution but struggle to make their voices heard. How can the group/class better utilize this talent? How can they communicate more effectively?
3. Some students mediate in the groups; is this a recurring behavior? Is it acknowledged and appreciated?
4. Based on this exercise, what would make good collaboration groups?

Safety check:
After the first few minutes, make it clear that pulling the rope is not allowed to avoid any accidents or entangled hands.

Teambuilding Activity: Group Juggle

A very enjoyable and playful way to create valuable agreements is the so-called 'Group Juggle'.

This is a method to discover which values are important to a group. I have done this activity many times with adults and children, and each time I am amazed at how simple it is and how much can be achieved together.

You stand in a circle together. A ball or a soft throwable object is tossed to each other. It is important that the object is thrown to everyone once before it is thrown back to you as the facilitator.

Next, you will practice the fixed order. So, the object goes from person A to person B, then to person C, and finally back to you as the facilitator. Once that is achieved, you ask a question;

"What is important for all of you as a group to work together?"

Usually, values like these come up:

  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Honesty
  • Love
  • Collaboration, etc.

One value is chosen, and the group works with it. If the task is successful, another value can be chosen, then a third, and so on.


  1. Choose an object that symbolizes the selected value (there are several objects on the ground, I often bring different stuffed animals). 
  2. Throw the object to someone in the group while stating the value out loud. The object is passed around, and each time someone throws it, they mention the value. Everyone receives the object once, and finally, it returns to the person who started. So, there is a specific order. 
  3. If this is successful without the object falling, you can take it a step further; Choose and name a second value, and introduce another object that symbolizes that value. Now, two objects go around the circle in the previously established order. If this works with two objects (in the right order), you can introduce a third value, and so on! Depending on what happens in the group, you can make interventions; in simple terms: You can ask questions like: "What makes it successful?" or "What makes it not work?"
group juggle, teambuilding activity

If the group works well together, focused, you can perhaps go up to 5 or more objects.

Variation: You can also introduce a so-called 'BOK' (GOAT in English). This represents the person in a group who always opposes or challenges others. This object goes around the circle in the opposite direction!

The video below gives an idea of how it can unfold. It is a very old recording from one of the first times I used this activity. I was working with the 'church council' of our community, and they chose the values: 'faith, hope, love'.

How to break ineffective patterns in teams

How can you, as a trainer or team coach, break ineffective patterns in a team and help create effective patterns?

In this video, I demonstrate how you can successfully do this through the 101werkvormen circle. By the way, what is the definition of a team? A team is a group of people—children, youth, or adults—who, for any reason, achieve more by working together than they would individually.  

In short, let the team experience their pitfalls and reflect on their behavior through interactive exercises and games. Because patterns can be persistent, the decision to do things differently keeps coming back. In some teams, this process occurs faster than in others.

If you have the physical book "De 101werkvormen Formule", you may recognize that the circle is based on the M.E.R.C.I. method (Motivate - Experience - Reflect - Commit - Implement). However, the difference is that here I focus on instilling the decision by repeatedly experiencing (Experience - Reflect - Commit).

As a human being, as a trainer, as a team coach, I can also get stuck in patterns. This is the method I use, and I know it works because I have been able to help many teams in this way.

I am curious about your perspective and experiences. Feel free to share them in the comment section below. If you find the video valuable, please consider sharing it on social media.

Teambuilding Activity: The Net and The Balloon

The Net and the Balloon is a powerful team-building activity that raises awareness of group dynamics and patterns in various ways and variations.

This activity promotes:

  • Collaboration
  • Insight into patterns
  • Making agreements
  • Discussing each other's contributions to the team


Duration: 30 minutes - 45 minutes
Participants: Perform the activity in teams of 6 to 8 participants
Outdoor and optionally indoors in a large space

Materials needed:
- A long rope, approximately 15 meters (bring ropes of different lengths to find the most suitable one). When participants hold hands and create the largest possible circle, you have the correct length of the rope.
- A balloon

Form a circle with 6 to 8 participants, ensuring enough space between each person. Participants hold the rope with their right hand (with the ends of the rope tied together to form a circle). With their other hand, they grasp the rope across from them and pull it towards themselves, creating a net. Place a balloon on top of this net, symbolizing the value of the team that they need to cherish.

Assign various tasks, such as:

- The team must move together.
- One member takes more responsibility (pulls harder).
- One member slacks off (stops pulling).
- Two team members have a conflict (pulling and letting go in opposite directions).
- Two team members switch roles (change places).
- One team member is removed from the team (letting go).
- Lack of focus (one or more team members close their eyes). You can create various situations based on these examples.

You can also have the team navigate an obstacle course during the exercise, adding complexity and symbolizing real-life problems teams may encounter.

The goal is to keep the balloon from falling.

Note: The rope should not be too thin to prevent participants from getting cut.

What happened during the activity?
How did it make you feel?
What insights or lessons would you like to take away from this exercise?

Teambuilding Activity: Giant Woods

This working method promotes:

-Dependents on the participants (various outcomes are possible with this game)


Duration: 30 minutes - 45 minutes
Participants: Minimum of 6
Outdoor and optionally indoors in a gymnasium/large space

Materials needed:
- Rope/cones to mark territories
- Sufficient space

You can order cones at a discounted price from bol.com.


Divide the group in a designated space and have the participants sit down. These participants will be the giants.
Two participants are blindfolded and spun around. Both players must individually try to navigate through the forest of giants.
When they touch a giant, it explodes (with a loud bang or sound).
When the game leader beats the drum, the two participants must stop and an earthquake occurs, causing the giants to roll and move to a different location.

Can either of the participants successfully navigate through the forest without causing a giant to explode?

What happened during the game?
How did it make you feel?
What lessons or experiences would you like to take away from this game?

Teambuilding Activity: Quiet Brainstorm

This working method promotes:

  • Brainstorming without discussion
  • Creativity
  • Synergy

Below are the instructions:

Duration: 45 minutes, depending on the number of participants
Participants: 10 to 15
Indoor and outdoor
Low activity level

Required materials:
Pen and paper

Objective of the game:
To gather and shape ideas with a larger group (maximum 10-15 participants) without getting caught up in discussions and conversations during the brainstorming phase, especially with larger groups.

During "brainwriting," each participant writes down their ideas on a piece of paper, which is then passed on to their neighbor.
With the paper received from their neighbor, participants build upon the given idea and try to come up with original perspectives. This way, all ideas circulate among all participants, and everyone contributes something.
To maintain speed, you can use a stopwatch and switch every 2 minutes.

After the paper has completed a full circle, everyone takes the time to review all the notes (or only those added to their original idea).

Only then does everyone come together to verbally discuss the created "brainwritings."

A helpful tool for structuring ideas during "brainwriting" is the mind map. In a circle, write down the initial idea (one of the brainstorming topics), and connect new ideas to the original topic or idea using linking lines. This creates a line or structure in the ideas, visually indicating which ideas are connected to each other.

After "brainwriting" based on mind maps, the ideas and plans already have some structure.

Teambuilding Activity: The Euro Game

This working method promotes:

  • Collaboration
  • Commitment
  • Negotiation
  • Achieving results

Below are the instructions:

Duration: 45 minutes
Participants: 8 or more
Indoor and outdoor
Low activity level

Required materials:
Euro coins, number equal to the number of participants

Objective of the game:
To arrive at a single collectively supported "good cause" where all the euros will be donated

Form groups of 4 to 8 people
Duration per round: 5 to a maximum of 10 minutes
Inform all participants about the game:
Each participant thinks of a good cause to which they would like to donate the money.
There will be 3 rounds played.

Round 1:
The groups engage in conversation and come to a common goal (based on arguments and consensus). The person whose goal is chosen proceeds to round 2 and holds all the euros from the group.

Round 2:
Divide the individuals who made it through round 1 into groups again. These groups engage in conversation and come to a common goal. The person whose goal is chosen proceeds to round 3 and holds all the euros from the group.

Those who didn't make it to the 2nd round can stand around the tables where the negotiations take place. They are not allowed to say or do anything, only observe.

Round 3:
Those who have reached round 3 form one group. This group engages in conversation and comes to a common goal.

Those who didn't make it to the 2nd and 3rd rounds can stand around the tables where the negotiations take place. They are not allowed to say or do anything, only observe.

The amount that has been collected is actually donated by the person whose goal is chosen. Agree on how all participants will be informed about when the money is donated.

Teambuilding Activity: Hula Hoop

This team-building activity is incredibly simple yet highly effective!

This activity promotes:
- Collaboration
- Focus
- Self-directed ability
- Goal orientation
- Effective communication


Time: 10 minutes
Participants: 6 to 20 (but can accommodate more)
Indoor and outdoor
(Somewhat) Active

Materials required:
- One hoop (or two) or a round rope with a diameter of 1 meter.

Initial setup:
Arrange the participants in a circle while holding each other's hands.

Objective: Pass the hoop as quickly as possible by stepping through it without letting go of each other's hands until it returns to the first person.

The facilitator starts the timer from the beginning. The person who first has the hoop around them moves their body in a way that the hoop slides over their arm to the person standing on their left or right. This person must crawl through the hoop to pass it on to the next person.
Eventually, the hoop returns to its starting point without any hands letting go of each other.

After the first attempt, the facilitator encourages the team to make a faster second attempt.
The facilitator observes the performance and chooses to let go when the team is ready to set a higher goal for themselves.

As the facilitator, you can ask what happened, what was successful, and help the team realize that through simple agreements and focus, they can quickly improve their performance.

Teambuilding Activity: Blind Trust

A blindfold exercise that you can easily do indoors is this one! With many thanks to Heleen van Tol.

This exercise promotes:

  • Trust in your own senses.
  • Trust in others.

Below are the instructions:

Time: 30 minutes
Participants: 5 to 15
Indoors (but outdoors is also possible)
Not active

Materials needed:
- Sufficient blindfolds
- A suitable physically safe environment
- Make sure to mention that you are also present to ensure safety.


First part of the exercise:

  1. Take a position in the room, spread out a bit.
  2. Close your eyes, listen to your own breathing, and concentrate on your surroundings.
  3. Walk carefully through the space with your eyes closed, without colliding with anything.
  4. If you concentrate on your surroundings, you won't collide because you will feel when something or someone is near you.
  5. Let everyone walk around for a while to experience what it's like.

Second part:

Instruct participants to form pairs and give one person a blindfold.

  1. Blindfold the other person so that they can't see anything.
  2. The person who is not blindfolded guides the blindfolded person through the space, making sure they don't bump into anything.
  3. After a few minutes, switch roles and walk through the space again, with the roles reversed. You can increase the pace later on if desired.

Third part:

Instruct participants to form groups of four.

  1. Form a small circle with one person standing stiffly in the middle.
  2. The blindfolded person falls gently into the arms of the surrounding individuals. The group then pushes them to the other side of the circle, creating a rocking effect.
  3. If this goes well, the entire group can form a well-closed circle and repeat the exercise.

-What did you think when you received the task?
-How did it feel to be responsible for someone else?
-How was it to lead/be led?
-When did you feel doubt?
-What did you do then?
-Did you maintain and communicate your own boundaries effectively?
-How did you feel as an individual, and what happened within the group?

Teambuilding Activity: The Blindfold Game

This type of activity is always highly valuable when guided properly; participants experience how group dynamics work, observe what happens within the group, identify leaders, determine agreements, and establish clear goals. Special thanks to Heleen van Tol!!

This activity promotes:

  • Seeking help
  • Leadership
  • Trust
  • Insight into group dynamics


Duration: 30 minutes
Participants: 5 to 15
Indoor and Outdoor

Materials required:
Sufficient blindfolds, a suitable physically safe environment


1. Divide the group into two teams: Team 1 and Team 2.

2. Team 1 is responsible for the route from point A to point B, and Team 2 is responsible for the route from point B to point C.

3. Walk the entire route together, indicating the locations of points B and C.

4. The task is to safely guide the entire group, blindfolded, from point A to point C.

5. Both teams have approximately 15 minutes to explore their respective routes.

6. Facilitators accompany the entire group to explore the route and return to the starting point together.

7. Distribute blindfolds, briefly reiterate the instructions, and wish them success.

8. Variation: Choose your favorite spot and guide the blindfolded group from point A to your favorite spot. The rest is open to interpretation (Note: Participants can do this individually, with a partner, or as a group).


- How did you feel as an individual?
- What happened within the group?
- How did your team make decisions?
- Who took on leadership within the team?
- Did the leadership shift occur once, twice, or more? Why and when?
- What qualities emerged within your team?
- Did you discover qualities in your colleagues that you were unaware of?
- How did the different qualities complement each other?
- What conflicts arose, and how did you resolve them?
- How well did everyone listen to each other?
- How much freedom was there to present ideas?

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