Teambuilding Activity: The Euro Game

This working method promotes:

  • Collaboration
  • Commitment
  • Negotiation
  • Achieving results

Below are the instructions:

Duration: 45 minutes
Participants: 8 or more
Indoor and outdoor
Low activity level

Required materials:
Euro coins, number equal to the number of participants

Objective of the game:
To arrive at a single collectively supported "good cause" where all the euros will be donated

Form groups of 4 to 8 people
Duration per round: 5 to a maximum of 10 minutes
Inform all participants about the game:
Each participant thinks of a good cause to which they would like to donate the money.
There will be 3 rounds played.

Round 1:
The groups engage in conversation and come to a common goal (based on arguments and consensus). The person whose goal is chosen proceeds to round 2 and holds all the euros from the group.

Round 2:
Divide the individuals who made it through round 1 into groups again. These groups engage in conversation and come to a common goal. The person whose goal is chosen proceeds to round 3 and holds all the euros from the group.

Those who didn't make it to the 2nd round can stand around the tables where the negotiations take place. They are not allowed to say or do anything, only observe.

Round 3:
Those who have reached round 3 form one group. This group engages in conversation and comes to a common goal.

Those who didn't make it to the 2nd and 3rd rounds can stand around the tables where the negotiations take place. They are not allowed to say or do anything, only observe.

The amount that has been collected is actually donated by the person whose goal is chosen. Agree on how all participants will be informed about when the money is donated.

